Victoria Energy Upgrades (In Home Display)

Victoria Energy Upgrades (In Home Display)

What is the Victorian Energy Upgrades program?

The Victorian Energy Upgrades program is a state government initiative helping Victorians cut power bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by giving households and businesses access to discounted energy-efficient products and services.

The program can save a typical household around $150 a year off energy bills. Depending on the upgrades, these savings can go much higher.

Am I eligible to receive a free Powerpal under the program?

All Victorians are eligible to participate in the Victorian Energy Upgrades program!

Provided you meet the following criteria we should be able to install a Powerpal for you for free under the scheme:

  • You live in a one of the regions currently covered by our installers
  • Your home is a residential property and you haven’t already installed a Powerpal (or a smart meter In Home Display)
  • You live in a freestanding home and your electricity meter is located within 50m of you main living area
  • You own a smart phone running the Android or iOS
  • You have access to a recent electricity bill (digital bills are fine)
  • You are the registered electricity account holder (or have their permission)

I’m renting – am I eligible for a free Powerpal?


Provided you meet all other eligibility requirements and have access to your electricity meter then being a tenant does not impact your eligibility to receive Powerpal under the program.

Installation of Powerpal requires no changes to your rental property electrical panel.

Who pays for my Powerpal?

When you request a free Powerpal’s installation under the VEU program an accredited provider (or their representative) under the program will arrange to install your Powerpal for you, completely free of charge!

So who pays for the service?

When Powerpal is installed at your home under the program this allows the accredited provider supplying your Powerpal to generate Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates. Each certificate represents one tonne of greenhouse gas that has been prevented from entering our atmosphere.

Powerpal could help you to reduce your power bills by between 5% and 15%, which equates to between two and three tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions saved. Accredited providers then sell the certificates created to energy retailers, and this pays for the cost of your Powerpal and the installation visit.

What’s the catch?

There isn’t one! So long as we have installers available in your area and you meet the government’s eligability requirements then you can receive a Powerpal for free, with absolutely no on-going costs and without affecting your current energy supplier.

This is simply a government program to help households save on their energy bills- so take advantage today!

Can I request a free Powerpal and install it on my meter myself?

As the Victorian Energy Upgrades is a government backed program there is strict requirements for how your Powerpal is installed, one of which is that the installation must be undertaken by a registered installer.

But don’t worry – installation is quick, free and requires no modification to your electrical panel!

During your Powerpal installation appointment the installer will:

  • Check your property is suitable for installation of Powerpal
  • Ask you to confirm you are are an authorised representative on the electricity account for your home
  • Install your Powerpal on your electricity meter
  • Use your energy bill to program your Powerpal with your electricity plan details (so it can correctly report your energy costs in the app)
  • Help you to download the Powerpal app to your phone and connect to your Powerpal
  • Ask you to sign a digital form to confirm you are happy with the installation

All you need is a smart phone with the Powerpal app installed and your most recent electricity bill and you are ready to go!

Will the installer modify my electrical panel or turn off my power?

Absoluetly not!

Powerpal connects magnetically and optically to your existing electricity meter and does not require any modifications to your electrical panel or to interrupt your power.